S. No. Title Date View/Downloads
41 Notification on Local Holiday Download(540.55 KB)Notification on Local Holiday
42 Final Gradation list of GRS at GP level of Dhenkanal District Download(667.39 KB)Final Gradation list of GRS at GP level of Dhenkanal District
43 ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of August-2020 Download(247.97 KB)ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of August-2020
44 ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of July-2020 Download(246.15 KB)ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of July-2020
45 Provisional Gradation list of GRS at GP level Download(956.94 KB)Provisional Gradation list of GRS at GP level
46 ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of May-2020 Download(408.8 KB)ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of May-2020
47 ORTPSA of Hindol Tahasil for the Month of May-2020 Download(232.76 KB)ORTPSA of Hindol Tahasil for the Month of May-2020
48 Final Gradation list of Class III and Class IV employees as on 15.01.2020 Download(5.98 MB)Final Gradation list of Class III and Class IV employees as on 15.01.2020
49 Final Gradation list of Revenue field staffs as on Dt.31.07.2019 Download(2.82 MB)Final Gradation list of Revenue field staffs as on Dt.31.07.2019
50 ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of April-2020 Download(238.37 KB)ORTPSA of Sadar Tahasil for the Month of April-2020